Continuous wave lasers are emitting constant radiation usually with very small spectral bandwidth. They are often used for alignment and sensing purposes, if tunable, can be used for spectral measurements. In the most powerful versions, they are used as optical pumps for other stages of experiments.
Continuous wave lasers are emitting constant radiation usually with very small spectral bandwidth. They are often used for alignment and sensing purposes, if tunable, can be used for spectral measurements. In the most powerful versions, they are used as optical pumps for other stages of experiments.
Some of the Continuous Wave lasers present in Tampere University are:
Toptica CTL 1500, Continuously tunable CW laser, tuning range 1460-1570nm CW, sub 10 kHz bandwidth, up to 40mW, single mode output
Verdi laser (Coherent), CW 532 nm usually used as an optical pump, 6W power.