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Characterization Surface and shape analysis

Mechanical surface profilometry

Measuring sample surfaces with a contact probe is fast and accurate method for most surfaces.


Location: VTT, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Espoo, Joensuu
Contact persons: Sami Ylinen (Espoo), Pertti Pääkkönen (Joensuu),

FinnLight offers mechanical surface profilometry for the characterization of surfaces with nanometer-scale precision. Modern contact probe profilometer can provide 2.5D surface form of the samples with few nanometer resolution. Note that there is a separate page for scanning probe microscopy.

Mechanical surface profilometry at VTT in Espoo

  • Bruker DektakXT, suitable for the surface profiling of wafers and chips in the Micronova cleanroom (Contact person: Sami Ylinen)
  • Traceable measurements and characterizations in MIKES with Taylor Hobson Form Talysurf, surface roughness and form measuring machine (Contact person: Antti Lassila)

Mechanical surface profilometry at UEF in Joensuu

Contact person at UEF is Pertti Pääkkönen. Instruments include

  • Panasonic UA3P-3100 A50 ultrahigh accuracy 3D profilometer
  • Dektak 150+ stylus profilometer


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